I am a Woman: Essential Kriyas Topics include:
-Awakening Your Inner Vitality: Essentials for Daily Practice
-Sensitivity: Connect to Your Eternal Power
-Radiance: Walking in Beauty and Living by Grace
-Sound Mind & Body: Using the Sound Current to Create Clarity and Caliber
-Fearlessness: Empower Your Life
-Woman as Her Own Psychologist I: Clearing the Self
-Woman as Her Own Psychologist II: Cultivating the Self
-Crisis Kit: What to Do When There’s Nothing Left to Do
-Sexuality & Creativity: Igniting the Spark
-Relationships & Communication: Redefining Intercourse
-Becoming a Mother: 9 Months, 40 Days, and Everyday
-Transformations and Transitions: Breathing through Everything
-Healing & Relaxation: Becoming Healthy, Happy and Holy
-Beauty Begins Within: Personal Discipline and the Graceful Woman
I am a Woman: Selected Lectures I Am a Woman: Selected Lectures from the Women’s Teachings By Yogi Bhajan, Master of Kundalini Yoga
This new book is an introduction to the Teachings of Yogi Bhajan for Women. It focuses on the identity of woman as Infinite, the reality of woman as a healer and a nurturer, and the life of a woman in relationship. The women’s teachings are a vast area, so we have compiled a selection of lectures that touch on the fundamental disciplines and core principles of the graceful woman in the Aquarian Age. Each part consists of a dozen or more edited lectures of Yogi Bhajan as well as stories, comments, and experiences from women who studied directly with Yogi Bhajan throughout the years.
Yogi Bhajan always said that the Women’s Teachings were the key to the Aquarian Age…here is your resource to open that door!
Part I: I Am a Woman: Infinity, Divinity, Dignity
Part II: Woman Is Invincible: Healer, Leader, Nurturer
Part III: Sacred Feminine and the Divine Mother: Creative Consciousness and the Longing to Merge
Part IV: Beauty Begins Within: Personal Discipline and the Graceful Woman