Women in Training Collection

Women in Training Collection

Volumes 1 - 22
Subject: Collections

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Title information

The KWTC Notes represent more than 20 years of lectures on humanology, parenting, nutrition and meditation; they are THE SOURCE for the women's teachings. Each summer, Yogi Bhajan spent 8 weeks teaching and training the women of 3HO to be radiant, noble and graceful. Or as he would say, "You be You". He believed that the women's teachings were the key to unlocking peace and prosperity in the Aquarian Age. These teachings are his legacy and they are the key to your happiness as a woman (and your wisdom as a man!).

Includes the following manuals

WIT 01 - The Tech of the Graceful Woman
WIT 02 - All Things Come From God
WIT 02 - All Things Come From God Vol.2
WIT 03 - The Beaming Faculty
WIT 04 - Comprehensive Comparative Comparative
WIT 05 - Depth Demension and Direction
WIT 06 - The Oriental Woman
WIT 07 - Psychology of The Graceful Woman
WIT 08 - The Invincible Woman
WIT 09 - The Excellence of Woman
WIT 10 - Communication
WIT 11 - The Art and Science of the Successful Woman
WIT 12 - Crossing the Crossroads of Crisis
WIT 13 - The Ultimate Woman
WIT 14 - Trust Tools and Temperament
WIT 15 - The Global Woman
WIT 16 - Rhythmic Intelligence
WIT 17 - Caliber of Woman
WIT 18 - Power of Woman
WIT 19 - Creative Aspect of Woman
WIT 20 - The Prosperous & Successful Woman
WIT 21 - Looking Into One's Self
WIT 22 - The Applied Identity of Woman

Publisher: Kundalini Research Institute
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