觉知企业 - Conscious Business
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Title information
[English version]
This book describes a different approach to business. If you practice business consciously, you will make better decisions because you will have a fuller understanding of all the facts, undistorted by personal agendas. Also, the clarity that comes with conscious business practices leads directly to greater personal satisfaction from your work.
Conscious business can never be reduced to a collection of rules or guidelines. Instead of telling you how to act in business, this book gives you a different way of thinking about your business so that you can find the uniquely right action in every circumstance. When you can exhibit the characteristics described in this book, you will have the consciousness to be able to act righteously at work.
These teachings of Yogi Bhajan do not replace traditional business training. You still need to know marketing, strategy, and finance. Yogi Bhajan’s teachings on conscious business provide a way to make sure that you are optimally applying those basic business skills. This book discusses six key characteristics that a conscious businessperson will have, and gives practical advice on how you can increase the level of consciousness you bring to your own work right away.